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sign up with是什么意思?

2024-08-12 16:00:26

sign up with是一个英语短语,意思是“注册”或“加入”。它通常用来指加入某个组织、团体或服务的过程。


sign up with通常被用作及物动词短语,后面接名词或代词作宾语。也可以使用介词for来表示加入的目的。:

1. I signed up with the gym to get in shape.


2. She signed up with the volunteer group to help the community.


3. He signed up with a dating website to find a partner.


4. They signed up with their email addresses for the newsletter.


5. We signed up with the company's loyalty program for discounts.



1. Enroll:与sign up类似,也表示“注册”或“加入”,但更常用于学校、大学等教育。

2. Join:也可以表示“加入”,但更多指加入团体、组织或社会。

3. Register:也可以表示“注册”,但更多指记录或登记。

4. Subscribe:与sign up类似,也表示“订阅”,但更多指订阅报刊、杂志等。

5. Enter:也可以表示“加入”,但更多指进入某个场所或状态。


1. She enrolled in the university to study economics.


2. They joined the club to play soccer.


3. He registered for the conference using his email address.


4. I subscribed to the magazine for fashion tips.


5. They entered the room with big smiles on their faces.


“sign up with”是一句常见之语,意蕴深邃,蕴含着“登记”或“加入”的义。其适用于多种场合,如加盟团体、订阅服务等。与同义词相比,则更贴切于个人自愿加盟之意。吾乃笔名jack的作者,愿此文能助君明白并善用此语。
