网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-26 22:34:18



1. 主动辞职:He resigned from his job last month. (他上个月辞职了。)

2. 被迫放弃:The president was forced to resign due to the scandal. (因丑闻被迫辞职。)

3. 屈服顺从:She resigned herself to the fact that she would never see him again. (她接受了她永远见不到他的事实。)


1. After years of struggling, he finally resigned himself to the fact that he would never achieve his dream of becoming a professional athlete.


2. The CEO resigned from his position in order to spend more time with his family.


3. The coach resigned after a string of losses by the team.


4. She resigned herself to the fact that she would never be able to have children.


5. The minister was forced to resign from his position due to allegations of corruption.


