网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-26 16:54:00

外出的英文翻译是 "going out"。



1. 我今天要外出开会,晚上才能回来。

I have a meeting to attend today, I won't be back until tonight.

2. 周末我喜欢和朋友一起外出旅行。

I like to go out and travel with friends on weekends.

3. 他经常外出打工,挣钱养家。

He often goes out to work and earns money to support his family.

4. 妈妈我一个人外出,总是要我有人陪同。

My mom doesn't allow me to go out alone, she always wants me to have someone with me.

5. 外出时请记得关好门窗,不要让小偷进来。

Remember to lock the doors and windows when you go out, don't let thieves come in.


1. Go outside: 表示离开室内环境,到室外去。如:I need some fresh air, I'm going outside for a while.

2. Step out: 表示暂时离开某个地方。如:Please wait for me here, I'll just step out for a minute.

3. Leave the house/office: 表示离开住处或办公室。如:I left the house early this morning and didn't come back until late at night.

4. Head out: 表示准备离开某个地方。如:We should head out soon if we want to catch the train.

5. Venture out: 表示冒险或冒险前往某个地方。如:I'm not sure if I want to venture out in this storm.
