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2024-04-18 21:36:42

What is the English translation of "外出"? What does "外出" mean?

Translation: The English translation of "外出" is "going out". "外出" means to leave one's usual place or residence and go to another location.

Usage: In Chinese, "外出" can be used as a verb or noun. As a verb, it means to go out or leave. As a noun, it refers to the act of going out or leaving.

Example Sentences:

1. 我今天不想外出,就想在家休息。(I don't want to go out today, I just want to rest at home.)

2. 外出旅行是一种放松身心的好方式。(Going on a trip is a great way to relax.)

3. 我们需要在家工作,而不是经常外出开会。(We need to work from home instead of having frequent meetings outside.)

4. 她每天都会外出散步,享受大自然的美景。(She goes for a walk every day and enjoys the beauty of nature.)

5. 外出就餐已经成为现代人的一种生活方式。(Eating out has become a way of life for modern people.)

Different Styles:

1. What is the English equivalent of "外出"? What does this Chinese term signify?

2. How would you translate "外出" in English? What does this word imply?

3. Are you familiar with the English translation of "外出"? Can you explain its meaning in Chinese?

4. The phrase "外出" can be translated as "going out" in English. Can you provide its definition in Chinese?

5. Do you know how to say "外出" in English? What does this expression mean?

Note: The above translations and examples are for reference only. It is important to understand the context and usage of a word or phrase before using it in a different language.
