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bad reputation是什么意思?

2024-05-30 09:29:04

bad reputation是指一个人、组织或事物所拥有的不良名声或声誉。这个词组通常用来描述一个人或事物因为某些负面的行为或而被公众所知,并因此受到负面评价和批评。


bad reputation是一个名词短语,可以作为主语、宾语、定语和表语使用。常见的搭配有have/earn a bad reputation, get a bad reputation, suffer from a bad reputation等。


1. His bad reputation as a dishonest businessman has caused him to lose many clients.


2. The company's bad reputation for mistreating its employees has made it difficult for them to recruit new staff.


3. She tried to improve her bad reputation by doing more charity work and donating money to good causes.


4. The restaurant used to have a bad reputation for serving food that made people sick, but it has since changed its practices and regained the trust of its customers.


5. The actor's bad reputation for being difficult to work with has caused him to lose many job opportunities.



1. Poor reputation:与bad reputation意思相同,但通常用来描述一个人或事物的名声更加差劣。

例句:The company's poor reputation for mistreating its employees has led to a high turnover rate.

2. Negative image:与bad reputation意思相近,但更强调公众对某人或事物的不良印象。

例句:The politician's negative image has caused him to lose support from voters.

3. Infamy:指某人或事物因为丑闻、犯罪或不道德行为而拥有的极坏的声誉。

例句:The dictator's infamy will forever be remembered in history.

4. Disrepute:指某人或事物因为不道德、不光彩的行为而被公众所唾弃和鄙视。

例句:The university fell into disrepute after the scandal involving its president was exposed.

5. Notoriety:指某人或事物因为负面、行为或特质而被广泛知晓和谴责。

例句:The singer gained notoriety after her controversial performance at the awards show.
