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down bad是什么意思?down bad的用法和例句

2024-05-22 16:06:32

down bad是一种俚语,通常用来形容某人处于情感低谷或者处境艰难的状态。它可以用作形容词或者副词,表示某人的心情不好或者遇到了困难。


down bad通常用来描述某人的情绪或者状况,表示他们感觉不好或者处于困境中。它可以单独使用,也可以和其他词组合在一起使用,down bad day(糟糕的一天)、feeling down bad(心情很差)等。


1. She's been going through a lot lately, she's really down bad.(她最近经历了很多事情,她真的很down bad。)

2. After losing his job and breaking up with his girlfriend, he's been feeling down bad for weeks.(失业和分手后,他已经有几个星期感觉很down bad了。)

3. I had a really down bad day at work today, nothing seemed to go right.(我今天工作真的很down bad,什么都不顺利。)

4. My friend has been down bad since her pet passed away.(我的朋友从她的宠物去世后就一直down bad。)

5. He's always there for me when I'm feeling down bad, I'm so lucky to have him as a friend.(当我感觉down bad时,他总是在我身边,我很幸运有他这样的朋友。)


1. Feeling low:表示某人情绪低落或者心情不好。

例句:I've been feeling really low since my best friend moved away.(自从我最好的朋友搬走后,我的心情一直很低落。)

2. Going through a rough patch:表示某人处于困境或者遇到了困难。

例句:She's been going through a rough patch in her marriage, but things are getting better now.(她的婚姻出现了问题,但现在情况正在好转。)

3. In a funk:表示某人心情不好或者处于低谷。

例句:Ever since she failed her exam, she's been in a funk and doesn't want to talk to anyone.(自从她考试不及格后,她一直心情很差,也不想和任何人说话。)

4. Down in the dumps:表示某人感到沮丧或者消沉。

例句:He's been down in the dumps ever since he lost his job, I hope things start looking up for him soon.(自从失业后,他一直感到沮丧,希望他能很快走出困境。)

5. Struggling:表示某人正在努力应对困难或者挣扎。

例句:I've been struggling with my mental health lately, but I'm trying to stay positive.(最近我的心理健康有些问题,但我在努力保持积极的态度。)
