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bring up的翻译是什么?

2024-05-25 16:48:32

一:bring up的翻译是什么?

bring up的翻译是“提出”,“培养”,“抚养”的意思。

二:bring up的翻译是什么?用法

作为动词,bring up可以有多种用法。主要有以下几种:

1. 提出(问题、观点等):She brought up an interesting ic during the meeting.(她在上提出了一个有趣的话题。)

2. 抚养,教育(孩子):They brought up their children to be independent and responsible.(他们把孩子培养成独立和负责任的人。)

3. 引起(感情、记忆等):The movie brought up some painful memories for her.(这部电影让她想起了一些痛苦的回忆。)

4. 带来,带回:Could you bring me a glass of water when you come back?(你回来时能给我带杯水吗?)

5. 推迟,延期:They decided to bring up the wedding until next year.(他们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。)

三:bring up的翻译是什么?例句1-5句且中英对照

1. She brought up an interesting ic during the meeting.


2. They brought up their children to be independent and responsible.


3. The movie brought up some painful memories for her.


4. Could you bring me a glass of water when you come back?


5. They decided to bring up the wedding until next year.


四:bring up的翻译是什么?同义词及用法

1. Raise:作为动词,raise也可以表示“抚养”,“提出”等含义。:

- She was raised by her grandparents after her parents passed away.(她父母去世后由祖父母抚养。)

- The students raised some concerns about the new school policy during the meeting.(学生在上提出了对新的学校的担忧。)

2. Nurture:作为动词,nurture表示“培养”,“教育”等含义。:

- Parents play a crucial role in nurturing their children's development.(父母在培养孩子发展方面起着至关重要的作用。)

- The school aims to nurture students' creativity and critical thinking skills.(学校旨在培养学生的创造力和批判性思维能力。)

3. Rear:作为动词,rear也可以表示“抚养”,“培养”等含义。:

- She was reared in a strict and traditional family.(她在一个严格传统的家庭中长大。)

- The company has a program to rear and develop young talents.(公司有一个计划来培养和发展年轻的人才。)

4. Mention:作为动词,mention表示“提及”,“谈及”等含义。:

- He mentioned his plan to travel around the world during the summer vacation.(他提到了暑假环游世界的计划。)

- The teacher mentioned the importance of teamwork in achieving success.(老师谈到了团队合作在取得成功中的重要性。)

5. Introduce:作为动词,introduce也可以表示“提出”,“介绍”等含义。:

- The speaker introduced a new approach to solve the problem.(演讲者提出了一个解决问题的新方法。)

- Let me introduce you to my colleagues at the party tonight.(今晚让我介绍你给我的同事们认识吧。)
