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bring up是什么意思?

2024-05-21 17:57:00

bring up是一个动词短语,可以有多种含义。最常见的意思是“抚养、养育”,指父母或监护人负责照顾孩子的成长过程。它也可以表示“提出、提及”,指在讨论或谈话中提出某个话题或问题。此外,它还可以表示“使恶心、吐出”,通常用于形容食物或饮料不好而引起的身体反应。

bring up的用法:

1. 抚养、养育:She was brought up by her grandparents.(她是由她的祖父母抚养长大的。)

2. 提出、提及:He brought up the idea of starting a new business.(他提出了开办新业务的想法。)

3. 使恶心、吐出:The smell of the food brought me up.(食物的气味让我感到恶心。)

bring up的例句:

1. I was brought up in a small village in the countryside.


2. The teacher asked us to bring up any questions we had about the lesson.


3. The medicine she took made her feel sick and she ended up bringing it all back up.


4. My parents always brought up the importance of honesty and integrity.


5. He was brought up to believe that hard work leads to success.


bring up是一个常用的动词短语,它可以表示多种意思,需要根据具体的语境来理解。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个短语,所以学习和掌握它的用法是很有必要的。
