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black or white怎么翻译?

2024-05-24 22:05:55

一:black or white怎么翻译?的意思:





1. This issue is not black or white, there are many shades of gray. (这个问题并非是非黑即白的,有许多灰色地带。)

2. You can't just see everything as black or white, there are always different perspectives. (你不能仅仅把所有事情看作是非黑即白的,总会有不同的观点。)

3. The world is not black or white, it's full of colors and diversity. (世界并非只有黑与白,它充满了多彩和多样性。)

4. He has a very black or white personality, he never sees the middle ground. (他性格极端,从不看到折中的办法。)

5. The argument between them is always black or white, they can never find a compromise. (他们之间的争论总是非黑即白的,他们永远无法达成妥协。)


1. Either/or: 表示两种选择中的任一一种,常和“neither/nor”连用。

例句:You can either stay here or go with me. (你可以要么留在这里,要么跟我走。)

2. Black and white: 表示对立的两种观点或态度。

例句:The issue is not just black and white, there are many factors to consider. (这个问题不仅仅是黑与白的问题,有许多因素需要考虑。)

3. Polar opposites: 表示完全相反的两种事物或观点。

例句:They have polar opposite personalities, they can never get along. (他们性格完全相反,永远无法和睦相处。)

4. Extremes: 表示极端的两种状态或选择。

例句:Their opinions are always at the extremes, they can never find common ground. (他们的观点总是极端对立,无法达成共识。)
