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golden key是什么意思?

2024-05-20 15:29:10

golden key是指一把金色的钥匙,通常用来比喻能够打开某种秘密或解决某个难题的关键或方法。


golden key通常作为名词短语出现,可以用来修饰某个具体的事物,也可以单独使用。在句子中,它可以作为主语、宾语或定语。

例句1:The golden key to success is hard work and perseverance.


例句2:He finally found the golden key to unlock the mystery of the ancient ruins.


例句3:The teacher's explanation was the golden key that helped me understand the difficult concept.


例句4:The golden key to a happy marriage is communication and compromise.


例句5:She holds the golden key to her family's wealth and power.



1. Master key:同样指能够打开所有锁的关键,但更多地用于实际生活中。

例句:He lost his master key, so he had to ask the landlord for a spare one.


2. Secret key:指能够解开某个秘密或难题的关键。

例句:The secret key to her success was her ability to think outside the box.


3. Magic key:指能够解决难题或打开某种秘密的神奇方法。

例句:She discovered the magic key to getting her kids to eat vegetables.


4. Key solution:强调某个问题的最重要解决方案。

例句:This new technology provides a key solution to reducing carbon emissions.


5. Essential element:指某种事物中不可或缺的重要因素。

例句:Good communication is an essential element in any successful relationship.

