网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-19 09:25:10





1. The golden age of Greek civilization is often referred to as the Classical period.(希腊文明的黄金时代通常被称为古典时期。)

2. The Renaissance is considered a golden age in European history, marked by great artistic and intellectual achievements.(文艺复兴被认为是欧洲历史上的黄金时代,以伟大的艺术和思想成就而闻名。)

3. Many people believe that the golden age of Hollywood was in the 1930s and 1940s, when many classic films were produced.(许多人认为好莱坞的黄金时代在20世纪30年代和40年代,当时制作了许多经典电影。)

4. For many people, childhood is seen as a golden age of innocence and carefree joy.(对许多人来说,童年被视为天真无邪和无忧无虑的快乐的黄金时代。)

5. The golden age of the Internet has brought about many technological advancements and has changed the way we live and communicate.(互联网的黄金时代带来了许多技术进步,改变了我们的生活和交流方式。)


1. heyday:指某一事物或人物最辉煌的时期,常用来形容某一领域或行业的顶峰状态。

例句:The heyday of jazz music was in the 1920s and 1930s.

2. peak:指某一事物或人物达到最高点或最佳状态。

例句:The company reached its peak during the golden age of the tech industry.

3. prime:指某人或某事物处于巅峰状态,通常用来形容个人的最佳年龄或事业的最佳时期。

例句:She was in her prime during her time as a professional athlete.

4. zenith:指某一事物或人物达到巅峰状态,通常用来形容艺术、文化等领域。

例句:The Renaissance is considered the zenith of European art and culture.

5. apex:指某一事物或人物达到顶点,常用来形容权力、地位等方面。

例句:He reached the apex of his career when he became CEO of the company.
