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get through的意思是什么?

2024-05-20 15:17:14

get through的意思是“完成”或“通过”。它可以用来描述完成一项任务、通过一个考试或克服困难等。


get through是一个动词短语,通常用作及物动词。它可以在句子中作为主语、宾语或谓语动词。也可以和介词to连用,表示完成某项任务或通过某个阶段。


1. I finally got through all my homework and can relax now. (我终于完成了所有的作业,现在可以放松了。)

2. She struggled to get through the crowd to reach the stage. (她费力地穿过人群到达舞台。)

3. He managed to get through the difficult exam with flying colors. (他成功通过了这次难考,成绩优异。)

4. We need to get through this tough time together as a team. (我们需要作为一个团队一起度过这段艰难时期。)

5. It took me a long time to get through to customer service on the phone. (我打客服花了很长时间才接通。)


1. Complete - 完成

例句:I have finally completed my thesis after months of hard work.


2. Pass - 通过

例句:She studied hard and managed to pass the entrance exam for her dream university.


3. Overcome - 克服

例句:They worked together to overcome the challenges and achieve their goals.


4. Survive - 生存

例句:The hiker had to survive in the wilderness for three days before being rescued.


5. Make it - 成功

例句:After many failed attempts, she finally made it to the of the mountain.

