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fresh off the boat的中文翻译是什么?

2024-05-19 19:56:05

fresh off the boat的中文翻译为“新来的”,指的是刚从外地或外国来到某个地方的人。这个短语通常用来形容那些刚刚移民或者旅行到一个新环境的人。


“fresh off the boat”通常作为形容词短语使用,放在名词前面,用来描述某个人的身份或者状态。它也可以作为动词短语使用,表示某个人刚刚从外地或外国来到某个地方。


1. My parents are fresh off the boat immigrants from China, so they are still adjusting to the American culture.


2. The new student is fresh off the boat and doesn't know anyone in this school.


3. After living in Europe for 10 years, I feel like a foreigner whenever I visit my hometown. I am no longer fresh off the boat.


4. The company hired many fresh-off-the-boat employees to bring diversity to their team.


5. I can always tell when someone is fresh off the boat by their accent.



1. Newcomer:指的是新来的人,可以用来代替“fresh off the boat”。

2. Immigrant:指的是移民,通常用来形容那些长期居住在外国的人。

3. Traveler:指的是旅行者,可以用来形容那些经常到处旅行的人。

4. Outsider:指的是外来者,可以用来形容那些在某个地方感觉不被接受或者不属于这个地方的人。

5. Foreigner:指的是外国人,通常用来描述那些生活在一个但不是该国籍的人。
