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fresh off the boat是什么意思?

2024-05-13 16:18:06

fresh off the boat是一个英语短语,通常用来形容某人刚刚到达一个新的地方或者经历了一段新的经历。这个短语源自19世纪中期移民来到美国的情景,他们刚从船上下来就被称为“fresh off the boat”,意思是他们还没有适应当地的文化和生活方式。


,如果一个人刚刚搬到一个新城市,他可能会被称为“fresh off the boat”,因为他还没有适应当地的生活方式和文化。又或者,如果一个人第一次尝试滑雪,他也可以被说成是“fresh off the boat”,因为他对这项运动还不太熟悉。

除了字面意义外,在美国电视剧《Fresh Off the Boat》中,“fresh off the boat”也被用作片名。这部喜剧讲述了一家华裔移民家庭在美国的生活经历,通过幽默的故事展现了移民家庭在适应新生活的过程中所面临的挑战和。


1. She's fresh off the boat, give her some time to adjust to the new environment.


2. The team is struggling this season with a lot of fresh off the boat players.


3. I'm still fresh off the boat when it comes to cooking, but I'm learning.


4. After living in France for 5 years, I no longer feel like a fresh off the boat foreigner.


5. The comedy series "Fresh Off the Boat" has gained popularity for its portrayal of an immigrant family in America.

(喜剧系列《Fresh Off the Boat》因其对美国移民家庭的刻画而受到欢迎。)
