网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-22 17:43:40


1. 名词用法


- The subject of today's lecture is climate change.(今天讲座的主题是气候变化。)

- I'm not very interested in the subject of politics.(我对这个话题不太感兴趣。)


- She is an expert in the subject of psychology.(她是心理学领域的专家。)

- My favorite subject in school was history.(我在学校最喜欢的科目是历史。)

2. 动词用法


- The students were subjected to strict rules and regulations.(学生们被强制遵守严格的规定。)

- The country was subjected to a series of natural disasters last year.(该国去年遭受了一系列自然灾害。)

此外,subject也可以指向某一测试、检验或者考试等,在这种情况下,常与to或者an examination连用。:

- All applicants must be subjected to a background check.(所有申请者都必须接受背景调查。)

- The students were subjected to an oral examination at the end of the semester.(学生们在学期末接受了一次口试。)

3. 例句参考

1. The subject of this painting is a beautiful landscape with mountains and rivers.


2. She is studying the subject of biology in college.


3. The prisoners were subjected to inhumane treatment by their captors.


4. All employees must be subjected to a drug test before being hired.


5. As a language model AI, I am constantly subjected to new data and information in order to improve my performance.



