网校一点通 学习方法


2024-10-14 09:02:33



这个短语可以作为一个形容词或者副词来使用。作为形容词时,它可以修饰名词,如“a nowornever opportunity”(一个现在或永不的机会);作为副词时,它可以修饰动词,如“we must act nowornever”(我们必须马上行动)。


1. This is a nowornever opportunity to pursue your dreams.(这是追求梦想的唯一机会)

2. We have to make a decision nowornever.(我们必须现在或永不地做出决定)

3. It's nowornever, we can't afford to wait any longer.(现在是唯一的机会,我们不能再等了)

4. The clock is ticking, it's nowornever to take action.(时间正在流逝,现在是采取行动的唯一时机)

5. Don't miss this chance, it's nowornever!(不要错过这个机会,现在就是了!)


1. This is not just any ordinary phrase, it's a powerful call to action. Nowornever, the two words that hold the key to success.

2. The clock is ticking, the opportunity is slipping away. Nowornever, it's time to make a move and seize the day.

3. Life is full of nowornever moments, and this is one of them. Don't let fear or hesitation hold you back, take a leap of faith and make it happen.

4. In this fast-paced world, opportunities come and go in the blink of an eye. It's nowornever to grab hold of them and turn them into something extraordinary.

5. Nowornever, two simple words that can change your life forever. Don't let them pass you by without taking action.


