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night terrors中文怎么翻译是什么意思

2024-10-14 08:59:37


night terrors是一种睡眠障碍,也被称为夜惊或梦魇。它是指在睡眠中突然出现的恐惧和焦虑感,伴随着强烈的激动和惊恐的表情或声音。与噩梦不同,夜惊发生时人们处于非REM(快速眼动)睡眠阶段,因此无法清晰地回忆起恐怖的经历。

night terrors怎么翻译?

night terrors可以直译为“夜惊”,也可以翻译为“夜间恐怖发作”、“夜间恐慌发作”等。


night terrors指的是一种在睡眠中突然出现的强烈恐惧和焦虑感,通常伴随着激动和惊恐的表情或声音。这种睡眠障碍与噩梦不同,发生时人们处于非REM(快速眼动)睡眠阶段,因此无法清晰地回忆起恐怖的经历。

night terrors怎么翻译?的用法:

night terrors通常用来描述一种特定类型的睡眠障碍,即在非REM睡眠阶段突然出现的恐惧和焦虑感。它可以用作名词,也可以作为动词使用,“他经常夜惊”、“她在夜间经历了恐慌发作”。

night terrors怎么翻译?的例句:

1. My son used to have night terrors when he was younger, but he has grown out of it now.


2. She woke up in the middle of the night, screaming and shaking with night terrors.


3. The doctor prescribed medication to help with her night terrors.


4. He suffers from severe night terrors and often wakes up in a state of panic.


5. The therapist helped her uncover the underlying causes of her night terrors.



