2024-10-13 20:06:17perpendicular一词源于拉丁文的perpendiculum,意为“垂直的”,是一个常用的几何学术语。它可以作为形容词或名词使用,表示两条直线或面之间的垂直关系。在日常生活中,我们也可以用这个词来形容某物或某人的姿势或态度。
perpendicular作为形容词时,意为“垂直的”、“垂直于地平线的”。:The tower stands perpendicular to the ground.(这座塔垂直地矗立在地面上。)它也可以表示“陡峭的”、“笔直的”,如:The mountain has a perpendicular slope.(这座山有一条陡峭的山坡。)
作为名词时,perpendicular指代一条垂直线或面,也可以指代一个与主要方向相交成90度角的方向。:The carpenter used a square to make sure the wall was at a perfect perpendicular.(木匠用方尺来确保墙壁处于完美的水平状态。)
除了几何学和日常生活中,perpendicular还可以用来形容某人或某物的姿势或态度。比如说:Her arms were crossed and her body was perpendicular to the ground, showing her defiance.(她双臂交叉,身体笔直地站立着,表现出她的挑衅。)
1. The trees stood perpendicular to the ground, creating a beautiful natural canopy.
2. The two buildings were built perpendicular to each other, forming a perfect right angle.
3. The teacher used a ruler to draw a perpendicular line on the blackboard.
4. His body was perpendicular to the ground as he performed a handstand.
5. The student's rebellious attitude was shown through his perpendicular posture and crossed arms.