2024-10-06 18:01:01retailprice是指零售价,也称为建议零售价或推荐零售价。它是指商品在零售商处销售时的价格,通常由制造商或供应商提供给零售商的建议性价格。
1. 零售商可以根据retailprice来确定自己的销售价格,一般情况下,零售商会按照retailprice的建议价格来出售商品。
2. 制造商或供应商可以通过设定retailprice来市场价格,保证商品在不同渠道的统一定价。
3. 消费者可以通过retailprice来了解商品的市场参考价,从而更好地做出购买决策。
1. The retail price of this dress is $100, but you can find it on sale for $80 at some stores.
2. The manufacturer has increased the retail price of their latest product due to high demand.
3. I always check the retail price of a product before making a purchase to make sure I'm getting a good deal.
4. The retail price of this phone is $500, but you can get it for $400 if you use a coupon.
5. The retail price of this book is $20, but I found it on sale for only $10 at a local bookstore.