网校一点通 学习方法


2024-09-29 09:59:21



1. 主语 + recover + from + 不良状态/损失

:He is recovering from a serious illness.(他正在从一场严重的疾病中恢复。)

2. 主语 + recover + to + 原来的状态/健康状况

:The patient has recovered to his previous level of health.(这位患者已经恢复到之前的健康水平。)

3. 主语 + recover + 某物

:The company is trying to recover its losses from the previous year.(公司正在努力从去年的亏损中恢复过来。)


1. After a long battle, she finally recovered from her depression and returned to her normal life.


2. It took him several months to fully recover from the injury he sustained during the accident.


3. The country is slowly recovering from the economic crisis that hit it last year.


4. The doctor said it will take at least a week for him to recover from the surgery.


5. The city is still trying to recover from the damage caused by the natural disaster.



1. 几个月的艰苦治疗后,他终于从那场可怕的事故中恢复过来,重新站起来面对生活。

2. 这家公司正在努力挽回去年遭受的巨额损失,希望能在未来取得更大的成功。

3. 经历了一场心理上的挣扎,她最终战胜了抑郁症,重获新生。

4. 在手术后的康复期间,他需要坚持锻炼和休息,以便尽快恢复到健康状态。

5. 自然灾害给这座城市带来了巨大的损失,但它正在努力重建,并逐步恢复往日的繁荣。
