网校一点通 学习方法


2024-09-28 20:55:44

property的发音为 ['prpti],读作“普罗帕蒂”。



1. This house is my property.(这栋房子是我的财产。)

2. The government has the right to seize private property for public use.(有权利征收私人财产以供公共使用。)

3. He inherited a large amount of property from his father.(他从父亲那里继承了大量财产。)

4. The company owns several valuable properties in the city center.(这家公司在市中心拥有几处有价值的房产。)

5. Intellectual property should be protected by law.(知识产权应受到法律保护。)


1. Honesty is a property that everyone should possess.(诚实是每个人都应该具备的性质。)

2. The chemical has some unique properties that make it suitable for this experiment.(这种化学物质具有一些独特的性质,使其适合于这个实验。)

3. The artist's paintings have a distinct style that is his property.(这位艺术家的画作具有独特的风格,这是他的特有属性。)

4. The property of water is that it can exist in three different states.(水的性质是它可以存在于三种不同的状态。)

5. The property of this material is its ability to withstand high temperatures.(这种材料的性质是它能够耐高温。)


1. The old mansion was filled with antiques and other valuable properties, making it a dream home for many collectors.


2. The company's intellectual property was stolen by a compe, causing a huge loss in profits.


3. Her kindness and empathy are her most valuable properties, making her loved by everyone around her.


4. The unique properties of this material make it a popular choice among architects and designers.


5. It is important for parents to teach their children the value and responsibility of owning property.



