网校一点通 学习方法


2024-09-28 20:43:43

refurbished是一个英文词汇,读音为 [rifbt]。它的意思是“翻新的”或“重新装修的”。这个词通常用来描述经过修复、改进或重新装饰后的物品,使其看起来像新的一样。

在写作中,refurbished可以用作形容词,也可以用作动词。作为形容词时,它可以修饰名词,表达物品经过翻新后的状态。:“I bought a refurbished lap, it looks brand new.”(我买了一台翻新过的笔记本电脑,它看起来像全新的一样。)作为动词时,它表示对物品进行翻新、改进或重新装饰的行为。:“The company refurbished the old building and turned it into a modern office.”(公司对这座旧建筑进行了翻新,并将其改造成现代化办公室。)


1. The store sells a variety of refurbished electronics at discounted prices.


2. My friend's car was in such bad condition that he had to get it refurbished.


3. After being refurbished, the old theater now has a new life and attracts more visitors.


4. The company offers a one-year warranty for all refurbished products.


5. The furniture in the hotel room looked brand new because it had been refurbished recently.


