网校一点通 学习方法


2024-09-26 11:11:00


同样的意思可以用其他类似的短语来表达,比如“me too”、“likewise”、“same here”等。这些短语都可以用来表示自己和别人有相同的想法、感受或经历。


1. A: 我最近很忙,每天都要加班到很晚。 (I've been so busy lately, working late every day.)

B: Same here. 我也是一样。 (Same here. I've been busy too.)

2. A: 我觉得这个电影很无聊。 (I thought the movie was boring.)

B: Same here. 我也觉得很无聊。 (Same here. I also thought it was boring.)

3. A: 昨天我去了一家新开的餐厅,食物非常好吃!(I went to a new restaurant yesterday and the food was amazing!)

B: Same here. 我也去过那家餐厅,确实很好吃。(Same here. I also went there and the food was really good.)

4. A: 最近天气太热了,我都快被晒死了。(The weather has been so hot lately, I feel like I'm being roasted.)

B: Same here. 我也是,简直无法忍受。(Same here. I can't stand it either.)

5. A: 我觉得这个项目很有挑战性。(I think this project is very challenging.)

B: Same here. 我也是这么认为的。(Same here. I think the same way.)
