网校一点通 学习方法


2024-09-25 15:46:36


1. 名词:指西装、套装等正式服装,也可以指一整套衣服。:He looks great in his new suit.(他穿着新西装看起来很帅气。)

2. 名词:指适合某人或某种活动的衣服或服饰。:This bathing suit is perfect for swimming.(这件泳衣非常适合游泳。)

3. 动词:指适合、适应或相配。:This color really suits you.(这个颜色真的很适合你。)

4. 动词:指提起法律诉讼,某人。:They are going to sue the company for discrimination.(他们将会这家公司的歧视行为。)

5. 形容词:指合适的、恰当的。:It's not a suitable time to talk about this matter.(现在不是谈论这件事情的合适时机。)

6. 形容词:指搭配得好看、漂亮的。:The colors of her dress and shoes really suit each other.(她裙子和鞋子的颜色真的很搭配。)


1. He wore a black suit to the wedding, looking very elegant.(他穿着黑色的西装去参加婚礼,看起来非常优雅。)

2. This suit is too big for me.(这套衣服对我来说太大了。)

3. The new job doesn't really suit me, I prefer my old one.(新工作并不是很适合我,我更喜欢我的旧工作。)

4. She threatened to sue him for defamation of character.(她威胁要他诽谤她的人格。)

5. The hotel has a swimming pool and provides guests with bathing suits.(这家酒店有游泳池,并为客人提供泳衣。)

