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smoking gun是什么意思英文翻译

2024-09-24 21:48:04


smoking gun是一个英语短语,通常用来指代一个明确的证据或者证明某件事情的不可否认的证据。它可以用来形容一个、行为或者事实,通常具有强烈的指控性和决定性。


smoking gun通常作为主语或者宾语出现在句子中,可以用来描述一个或者行为的本质。:“The leaked emails were the smoking gun that proved the company was involved in illegal activities.”(泄露的电子邮件是明确的证据,证明这家公司参与了非法活动。)


1. The fingerprints found at the crime scene were the smoking gun that led to the arrest of the suspect.


2. The deleted text messages were the smoking gun that exposed the politician's corruption scandal.


3. The surveillance footage was the smoking gun that proved the defendant's innocence.


4. The leaked video was the smoking gun that caused public outrage and led to the resignation of the CEO.


5. The whistleblower's testimony was the smoking gun that brought down the corrupt government officials.



在现代社会,信息的传播速度越来越快,人们对于事情的也变得更加敏感。而smoking gun这个短语,则成为了揭露的重要工具。它可以是一封邮件、一段录音、一则视频,甚至是一个简单的细节,但都有可能成为谎言和掩盖事实的关键证据。

在法庭上,律师们也常常使用smoking gun来指代那些能够改变案件走向的重要证据。而在舞台上,这个短语更是被频繁使用,用来揭露政客们隐藏已久的丑闻和不端行为。

但是,在现实生活中,并不是每个人都能够拥有smoking gun这样强大的证据来支持自己或者揭露他人。因此,在处理事情时,我们也要学会分辨信息和判断真伪,避免被虚假的smoking gun所误导。


无论是在法庭上还是日常生活中,smoking gun都扮演着重要的角色,它能够帮助人们找到、揭露谎言,甚至改变整个局面。因此,在面对疑点和争议时,我们也应该保持理性思考,寻找那些可能隐藏在背后的smoking gun。
