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up in the air的中文翻译是什么意思

2024-08-24 16:57:47

“Up in the air”翻译成中文可以是“悬而未决”的意思。它是一个习语,用来形容某件事情还没有确定,处于不确定的状态。它可以指一件事情的结果还没有确定,也可以指某人的想法或计划还没有最终决定。

“Up in the air”也可以翻译成“空中飞行”。这个意思是字面上的解释,指物体在空中飞行或悬浮的状态。



1. 这个问题还没有解决,目前还处于up in the air的状态。

2. 我们计划了很多方案,但最终决定还是up in the air。

3. 他们的关系一直都很复杂,现在也只能说是up in the air。

4. 老板说要给我升职,但具体什么时候升职还是up in the air。

5. 我们需要等待进一步消息,目前这个计划还是up in the air。


1. The future of the project is still up in the air, as we are waiting for approval from higher management.


2. We have been discussing this issue for weeks, but it's still up in the air.


3. The date for the meeting is up in the air, as we are still waiting for confirmation from the client.


4. The company's plans for expansion are up in the air, as they are facing financial difficulties.


5. I can't make any plans for next week yet, as my work schedule is still up in the air.


“up in the air”是一个形容某事物不确定性的习语,可以指、计划、想法等。它强调事物处于不稳定状态,需要进一步观察或决定。
