网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-17 16:39:53



1. 名词:指事物发展或变化的方向或趋势。

例句:The trend in fashion this season is towards bright colors and bold patterns. (这一季时尚的趋势是朝着鲜艳的颜色和大胆的图案发展。)

2. 名词:指社会、经济、等方面发展变化的总体倾向。

例句:There is a growing trend towards vegetarianism among young people. (年轻人中出现了越来越多的素食主义倾向。)

3. 名词:指某一时期内流行或盛行的事物或观念。

例句:The latest trend in technology is artificial intelligence. (技术领域最新的潮流是人工智能。)

4. 动词:表示朝某一方向发展或变化。

例句:The stock market has been trending upwards for the past few weeks. (过去几周股市一直呈上升趋势。)

5. 动词:表示倾向于某种行为或做法。

例句:Many people are trending towards a more sustainable lifestyle. (许多人都倾向于过更加可持续的生活方式。)


1. trend作名词时,常与介词in连用,表示某一领域或方面的趋势。

例句:There has been a trend in recent years towards healthier eating habits. (近年来出现了朝着健康饮食习惯发展的趋势。)

2. trend作动词时,常与介词towards连用,表示朝某一方向发展。

例句:The company is trending towards a more environmentally friendly approach. (这家公司正在朝着更环保的方式发展。)


1. The trend of online shopping has been on the rise in the past few years.


2. The latest fashion trends can be seen on the runways of Paris Fashion Week.


3. The stock market has been trending downwards due to economic uncertainties.


4. There is a worrying trend of increasing violence among teenagers.


5. Many companies are now trending towards remote work options for their employees.



