网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-16 10:30:36


1. AKA:also known as(也被称为)

例句:Beyonc AKA Queen B is a famous singer.(碧昂丝,也被称为“皇后B”,是一位著名的歌手。)

2. ASAP:as soon as possible(尽快)

例句:Please finish the report ASAP.(请尽快完成报告。)

3. DIY:do it yourself(自己动手做)

例句:I love DIY projects, they are so much fun!(我喜欢DIY项目,它们非常有趣!)

4. FYI:for your information(供您参考)

例句:FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled to next Monday.(供您参考,已经改期到下周一。)

5. LOL:laugh out loud(大声笑)

例句:She sent me a funny meme and I couldn't help but LOL.(她给我发了一个搞笑的表情包,我忍不住大笑起来。)

6. RSVP:rpondez s'il vous plat(请回复)

例句:Please RSVP by Friday if you will attend the party.(如果您要参加派对,请在周五前回复。)

7. CEO:chief executive officer(首席执行官)

例句:The company's CEO announced a new product launch.(公司的首席执行官宣布了新产品的发布。)

8. ETA:estimated time of arrival(预计到达时间)

例句:What is your ETA for the airport?(你到机场的预计时间是多少?)

9. VIP:very important person(重要人物)

例句:The event was attended by many VIPs, including politicians and celebrities.(这次活动有很多重要人物参加,包括政界人士和名人。)

10. RSVP:rpondez s'il vous plat(请回复)

例句:Please RSVP by Friday if you will attend the party.(如果您要参加派对,请在周五前回复。)

11. FAQ:frequently asked questions(常见问题解答)

例句:You can find answers to most of your questions in the FAQ section on our website.(您可以在我们网站的常见问题解答部分找到大多数问题的答案。)

12. DIY:do it yourself(自己动手做)

例句:I love DIY projects, they are so much fun!(我喜欢DIY项目,它们非常有趣!)

13. ASAP:as soon as possible(尽快)

例句:Please finish the report ASAP.(请尽快完成报告。)

14. RSVP:rpondez s'il vous plat(请回复)

例句:Please RSVP by Friday if you will attend the party.(如果您要参加派对,请在周五前回复。)

15. CEO:chief executive officer(首席执行官)

例句:The company's CEO announced a new product launch.(公司的首席执行官宣布了新产品的发布。)

16. ETA:estimated time of arrival(预计到达时间)

例句:What is your ETA for the airport?(你到机场的预计时间是多少?)

17. VIP:very important person(重要人物)

例句:The event was attended by many VIPs, including politicians and celebrities.(这次活动有很多重要人物参加,包括政界人士和名人。)

18. FYI:for your information(供您参考)

例句:FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled to next Monday.(供您参考,已经改期到下周一。)

19. LOL:laugh out loud(大声笑)

例句:She sent me a funny meme and I couldn't help but LOL.(她给我发了一个搞笑的表情包,我忍不住大笑起来。)

20. AKA:also known as(也被称为)

例句:Beyonc AKA Queen B is a famous singer.(碧昂丝,也被称为“皇后B”,是一位著名的歌手。)

21. RSVP:rpondez s'il vous plat(请回复)

例句:Please RSVP by Friday if you will attend the party.(如果您要参加派对,请在周五前回复。)

22. DIY:do it yourself(自己动手做)

例句:I love DIY projects, they are so much fun!(我喜欢DIY项目,它们非常有趣!)

23. ASAP:as soon as possible(尽快)

例句:Please finish the report ASAP.(请尽快完成报告。)

24. CEO:chief executive officer(首席执行官)

例句:The company's CEO announced a new product launch.(公司的首席执行官宣布了新产品的发布。)

25. ETA:estimated time of arrival(预计到达时间)

例句:What is your ETA for the airport?(你到机场的预计时间是多少?)

26. VIP:very important person(重要人物)

例句:The event was attended by many VIPs, including politicians and celebrities.(这次活动有很多重要人物参加,包括政界人士和名人。)

27. FYI:for your information(供您参考)

例句:FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled to next Monday.(供您参考,已经改期到下周一。)

28. LOL:laugh out loud(大声笑)

例句:She sent me a funny meme and I couldn't help but LOL.(她给我发了一个搞笑的表情包,我忍不住大笑起来。)

29. RSVP:rpondez s'il vous plat(请回复)

例句:Please RSVP by Friday if you will attend the party.(如果您要参加派对,请在周五前回复。)

30. DIY:do it yourself(自己动手做)

例句:I love DIY projects, they are so much fun!(我喜欢DIY项目,它们非常有趣!)
