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something missing是什么意思?

2024-08-14 16:56:04

something missing是指某物或某事缺失或不完整的意思。它可以用来形容任何缺少某种物质、信息、感情或者其他方面的情况。


something missing是一个形容词短语,通常用于句子中作为主语或者表语。它可以修饰任何名词,表达出缺失的状态。


1. The painting is beautiful, but there is something missing in the composition.(这幅画很漂亮,但构图中似乎缺少了什么。)

2. I can't put my finger on it, but there's definitely something missing in this recipe.(我说不上来是什么,但这个食谱肯定缺少了什么。)

3. She feels like there is something missing in her life, but she can't figure out what it is.(她感觉自己的生活中似乎缺少了什么,但她想不出是什么。)

4. The team's performance was good, but there was still something missing to win the game.(球队表现不错,但还是缺少点什么才能赢得比赛。)

5. He has everything he could want, but there's still something missing in his heart.(他拥有所有想要的东西,但心里似乎还是缺少了些什么。)


1. Incomplete(不完整的):形容物体或事物缺少某些部分,没有达到完整的状态。

例句:The instructions are incomplete, so I can't finish assembling the furniture.(说明书不完整,所以我无法完成家具的装配。)

2. Lacking(缺乏的):指某物或某事缺少某种必要的东西。

例句:The team is lacking experience in this type of game.(这支球队在这种比赛中缺乏经验。)

3. Deficient(不足的):强调数量、质量或者能力方面的不足。

例句:The company's profits are deficient compared to last year.(与去年相比,公司的利润有所不足。)

4. Absent(缺席的):表示在某个地方不存在或者缺失。

例句:There were a few students absent from class today.(今天有几个学生缺席了课。)

5. Wanting(欠缺的):指某物或某事需要但却没有得到满足。

例句:The movie was good, but the ending was wanting and left the audience unsatisfied.(电影很好,但结局欠缺,让观众感到不满意。)

在笔者看来,something missing是一个常见的词语,它在口语和书面语中广泛使用。它可以用来描述各种缺失或不完整的情况。不仅仅是指物质方面的缺失,也可以用来形容感情、信息、能力等方面的不足。在写作过程中,为了避免重复使用这一短语,我们可以运用同义词来丰富文章表达。总之,这一表达方式在日常生活中十分常见。作者jack认为,在写作时应该尽量避免过度使用这一短语,以免使文章显得单调乏味。
