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sports illustrated是什么意思?

2024-08-14 16:56:03

sports illustrated是指一本美国著名的体育杂志,由Time Inc.旗下的Sports Illustrated公司出版。该杂志每周出版一期,涵盖了各种体育项目的新闻、评论、专题报道和精彩图片。它是全球最具影响力和最畅销的体育杂志之一。


作为一个名词,sports illustrated通常用于指代这本杂志,也可以简称为SI。它也可以作为一个形容词,用来描述与体育相关的事物或活动。


1. I've been a loyal reader of Sports Illustrated for years, it's my go-to source for all things sports.(多年来我一直是《Sports Illustrated》的忠实读者,它是我了解所有体育新闻的首选来源。)

2. The cover of this week's Sports Illustrated features the latest scandal in the world of professional tennis.(本周《Sports Illustrated》封面上刊登了职业网球界最新的丑闻。)

3. As a sports fan, I always look forward to the annual swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated.(作为一个体育迷,我总是期待《Sports Illustrated》每年的泳装特刊。)

4. The documentary explores the behind-the-scenes work that goes into creating each issue of Sports Illustrated.(这部纪录片探讨了制作每期《Sports Illustrated》背后的工作。)

5. The sports illustrated book is a collection of the magazine's most iconic covers and stories from the past 60 years.(《Sports Illustrated》图书是对过去60年中杂志最具标志性的封面和故事的收集。)


1. sports magazine:体育杂志,泛指任何涵盖体育新闻的杂志。

2. athletic journal:运动期刊,侧重于报道运动员、比赛成绩等专业性内容。

3. sporting publication:运动出版物,可以指任何与体育相关的出版物,包括书籍、杂志等。

4. athletic periodical:运动期刊,与athletic journal类似,强调专业性内容。

5. sports digest:体育摘要,通常指精简版的体育新闻汇总杂志。


