网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-14 16:38:44

substance [sbstns],读音为/sbstns/,是一个名词,指物质、实质、本质或重要性。它也可以用作形容词,表示“实质性的”、“重要的”。


1. 作为名词:

(1)指物质:Substance is anything that has mass and occupies space.(物质是任何具有质量和占据空间的东西。)

(2)指实质、本质:The substance of his argument was that we need to take action now.(他的论点的实质是我们现在需要采取行动。)

(3)指重要性:The substance of the matter is that we cannot afford to ignore this problem.(问题的重要性在于我们不能忽视这个问题。)

2. 作为形容词:

(1)实质性的:The substance of the report was based on solid evidence. (报告的实质是基于可靠的证据。)

(2)重要的:We need to focus on the substance of the issue rather than getting caught up in minor details. (我们需要关注问题的本质,而不是陷入细枝末节。)


1. The doctor prescribed a medication to help with the patient's substance abuse problem.


2. The book explores the philosophical question of what constitutes the substance of human existence.


3. The substance of the meeting was to discuss the company's financial situation.


4. The substance of her argument was that we need to prioritize our goals.


5. He may seem like a nice guy, but there is no substance to his words.



1. Material:指物质、材料,强调物理属性。

2. Essence:指本质、精华,强调最重要或最基本的部分。

3. Matter:指事情、问题、物质等,强调其重要性或实际性。

4. Core:指核心、中心,强调事物最重要的部分。

5. Substance和essence都可以用作不可数名词,而material、matter和core可以用作可数名词。:

(1)The material used in this project is quality.

(2)The essence of his argument is that we need to act now.

(3)There are many important matters that need to be discussed at the meeting.

(4)The core of the issue is the lack of communication between departments.

