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the moment of truth怎么翻译?

2024-08-14 16:38:43

意思:the moment of truth是指重要的决定或关键时刻,通常指一个人面临真正的挑战或考验的时刻。

用法:the moment of truth通常作为名词短语使用,用来描述某个重要的时刻或决定。它可以用来形容个人生活中的重要时刻,也可以用来描述团队、组织或面临的关键时刻。


1. This is the moment of truth for our team. We have worked hard and now it's time to show what we are capable of.


2. For many athletes, the Olympic Games are the moment of truth. It's the ultimate test of their years of training and dedication.


3. The moment of truth has arrived for our company. We need to make some tough decisions in order to survive in this competitive market.


4. As a doctor, I have seen many patients facing the moment of truth when they receive their diagnosis. It's a difficult but necessary step towards recovery.


5. The moment of truth for our country has arrived. We must unite and make the right decisions to overcome this crisis and emerge stronger than before.



1. Crucial moment:与the moment of truth意思相同,用法也相似,指某个重要的时刻或决定。

2. Make or break moment:指决定一个人或团队命运的关键时刻。

3. Turning point:指改变某种情况或发展方向的关键时刻。

4. Critical juncture:指具有重大影响力的关键时刻。

5. Decisive moment:指需要做出重大决定或采取行动的关键时刻。

