网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-12 15:41:02



例句1:The third book on the shelf is my favorite.(书架上第三本书是我最喜欢的。)

例句2:She came in third place in the race.(她在比赛中获得了第三名。)

例句3:He has a third share in the company.(他在公司拥有三分之一的股份。)

例句4:This is the third time I've told you to clean your room.(这是我第三次告诉你要打扫房间。)

例句5:The exam will cover the first, second, and third chapters of the textbook.(考试将涵盖教科书的第一、二、三章。)


1. Thirdly (副词)- 表示“第三”,常用于列举事物时。

:Firstly, we need to gather all the necessary materials. Secondly, we have to design a plan. Thirdly, we can start building.


2. Tertiary (形容词)- 表示“第三级的”,也可以指大学教育阶段。

:She is pursuing her tertiary education at a prestigious university.(她正在一所知名大学攻读大学教育。)

3. Threefold (形容词)- 表示“三倍的”,也可以作为副词使用。

:The company's profits have increased threefold in the past year.(公司的利润在过去一年增加了三倍。)

4. Triple (形容词)- 表示“三个的”,也可以作为动词使用,意为“使成三倍”。

:She has triplets, three identical boys.(她有三胞胎,都是相同的男孩。)

:We need to triple our efforts if we want to finish this project on time.(如果我们想要按时完成这个项目,我们需要加倍努力。)

5. Third-rate (形容词)- 表示“第三流的”,常用于贬义。

:I was disappointed by the third-rate service at that restaurant.(我对那家餐厅的第三流服务感到失望。)


