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too simple too naive的翻译是什么?

2024-08-10 11:27:33




1. She is too simple too naive to understand the complexity of the situation. (她太过简单天真,无法理解这个复杂的局面。)

2. His ideas are too simple and naive, they won't work in the real world. (他的想法太过简单和天真,无法在现实世界中奏效。)

3. Don't be too simple and naive, the world is not as innocent as you think. (不要太过简单天真,世界并不像你想象的那么单纯。)

4. The company's plan was criticized for being too simple and naive to solve the problem. (公司的计划因为过于简单天真而受到批评,无法解决问题。)

5. It's too simple and naive to believe that everything will work out just because you want it to. (认为一切都会如你所愿是太过简单和天真的想法。)


1. Naive: 天真的,幼稚的。与too simple too naive意思相近,但naive更强调缺乏经验和成熟度。

2. Simple-minded: 脑子简单的,愚蠢的。与too simple too naive意思相似,但simple-minded更强调智力上的不足。

3. Gullible: 易受骗的,轻信的。与too simple too naive意思相近,但gullible更强调容易被欺骗的特点。

4. Childlike: 孩子般的,天真无邪的。与too simple too naive意思有些不同,childlike更多指天真无邪而非缺乏成熟度。

5. Unsophisticated: 不复杂的,不成熟的。与too simple too naive意思有些不同,unsophisticated更多指缺乏复杂性或成熟度。
