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traffic light是什么意思?如何正确读音?

2024-08-10 11:02:45

traffic light是一个英文单词,意思是交通信号灯。正确的读音是[trfk lat]。


traffic light通常用作名词,指的是路口或者交通路口上安装的红绿灯。它可以帮助指挥车辆和行人的交通流量,保证交通的有序性和安全性。


1. The traffic light turned red, so I had to s my car. (交通信号灯变红了,所以我不得不停下我的车。)

2. Don't cross the road until the traffic light turns green. (在交通信号灯变绿之前不要过马路。)

3. The city government installed new traffic lights at the busy intersection. (市在繁忙的十字路口安装了新的交通信号灯。)

4. The police officer was directing traffic while the traffic lights were out of order. (当交通信号灯坏了时,正在指挥交通。)

5. Pedestrians should always follow the instructions of the traffic lights for their own safety. (行人应该始终遵循交通信号灯的指示,以确保自己的安全。)


1. Traffic signal:与traffic light意思相同,也指路口上安装的红绿灯。

2. Slight:主要用于美国英语,指的是红绿灯。

3. Semaphore:指的是用手臂或旗帜来指挥交通的信号,也可以用作交通信号灯的同义词。

4. Traffic control signal:与traffic light意思相同,也指路口上安装的红绿灯。

5. Traffic semaphore:与semaphore意思相同,也指用手臂或旗帜来指挥交通的信号。
