网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-10 11:02:44

tryout [traat],是一个名词,读音为“traat”,意思是“试用;选拔赛”。


1. 作为名词:指为了测试能力或表现而进行的试验、测试或选拔赛。

2. 作为动词:指进行试验、测试或参加选拔赛。


1. We will have a tryout for the new recruits next week. (下周我们将对新进行试用。)

2. The team held a tryout to find the best player for the upcoming tournament. (球队举行了一场选拔赛,以找到最佳选手参加即将到来的比赛。)

3. She tried out for the school's drama club and got the lead role. (她参加了学校话剧社的选拔,并获得了主角的角色。)

4. The company is currently conducting tryouts for their new product line. (公司目前正在对他们的新产品线进行试验。)

5. He tried out for the national team but unfortunately didn't make it through the final round. (他参加了队的选拔赛,但不幸没有通过最后一轮。)


1. audition [dn]:指为某种表演或工作而进行的面试。

例句:She went to an audition for a role in the movie and impressed the director with her acting skills.


2. trial [tral]:指为了测试效果或证明真实性而进行的实验或审判。

例句:The company is offering a free trial of their new product for a limited time. (公司正在限时免费提供他们的新产品试用。)

3. test [test]:指为了评估知识、能力或品质而进行的考试或测试。

例句:I have to take a driving test next week to get my driver's license. (我下周必须参加驾驶考试才能拿到驾照。)

4. try-on [tra n]:指为了尝试穿戴而进行的试衣。

例句:She spent the whole afternoon at the mall doing try-ons for her prom dress. (她在商场花了整个下午试穿她的舞会服装。)

5. experiment [kspermnt]:指为了、验证或探索某种理论或假设而进行的实验。

例句:Scientists are conducting experiments to find a cure for cancer. (科学家们正在进行实验,寻找治愈癌症的方法。)

