网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-09 10:58:54




例句1:The paper is very thin and easy to tear. (这张纸很薄,很容易撕开。)

例句2:She has a thin frame, but she is very strong. (她身材很苗条,但是很强壮。)

例句3:The air at high altitudes is thin and difficult to breathe. (高海拔地区的空气稀薄,呼吸困难。)

例句4:I like my coffee with a thin layer of foam on . (我喜欢咖啡上面有一层薄薄的泡沫。)

例句5:The line between love and hate is very thin. (爱与恨之间的界限非常微妙。)


1. slim: 形容人体型苗条,也可以用来形容物体细长。

:"She has a slim figure." (她身材苗条。)

"He held a slim cigar in his hand." (他手里拿着一支细长的雪茄。)

2. narrow: 形容物体宽度较小或者范围狭窄。

:"The road is too narrow for two cars to pass." (这条路太窄,两辆车无法并行。)

"She has a narrow waist." (她的腰很细。)

3. slender: 形容物体修长纤细。

:"She has a slender neck." (她的脖子修长纤细。)

"The tree branches were slender and delicate." (树枝纤细柔弱。)

4. delicate: 形容物体精致、娇嫩。

:"The flowers have delicate petals." (这些花有娇嫩的花瓣。)

"The glass is very delicate, be careful not to break it." (这个玻璃很脆弱,小心不要摔碎了。)

5. frail: 形容人或物体虚弱、脆弱。

:"The old lady was very frail and needed help walking." (老太太身体虚弱,需要人扶着走路。)

"The thin ice was very frail and could break easily." (那层薄冰非常脆弱,很容易就会破裂。)
