网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-09 10:58:52



1. 作为名词,vibes通常用来修饰具体的事物或场景,表达其所带来的特定感觉或氛围。:“The vibes at the party were amazing.”(派对的氛围非常棒。)“I'm getting some good vibes from this place.”(我对这个地方有些好感。)

2. 作为动词,vibes通常与介词with连用,表示某人给人一种特定的感觉。:“She vibes with a sense of confidence and ease.”(她给人一种自信和轻松的感觉。) “The new restaurant vibes with a trendy and modern atmosphere.”(这家新餐厅散发着时尚和现代的气息。)


1. The music festival was filled with good vibes and positive energy.(音乐节充满了良好的氛围和积极的能量。)

2. The vibes in the room suddenly turned tense when the boss walked in.(当老板走进来时,房间里的气氛突然变得紧张起来。)

3. I can't explain it, but I just get good vibes from her.(我无法解释,但是我对她有一种好感。)

4. The vibes of this city are so different from where I grew up.(这个城市的氛围和我成长的地方完全不同。)

5. The vibes between them were electric, you could feel the chemistry between them.(他们之间的氛围很有火花,你可以感受到他们之间的化学反应。)


1. Atmosphere:指某个地方或场景所带来的整体感觉或氛围,与vibes在表达上有些类似。:“The atmosphere in the room was tense.”(房间里的气氛很紧张。)

2. Vibe:是vibes的简化形式,意为“气息、感觉”。它通常用来形容某个人或事物所传递出的特定能量或感觉。:“The vibe of this place is so chill.”(这个地方散发着一种悠闲的感觉。)

3. Aura:指某人或事物所散发出的独特能量或光环,与vibes在表达上有些类似。:“She has a calming aura about her.”(她身上散发着一种平静的气息。)

4. Energy:指某种活力或能量,与vibes在表达上有些类似。:“The energy in the room was contagious.”(房间里的能量是具有传染性的。)

