网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-09 10:18:50




1. 作为形容词,unfair可以修饰名词,表示某件事情或某个人所做的行为不公平。

:It's unfair to judge someone based on their appearance. (仅凭外表就评判一个人是不公平的。)

2. 作为副词,unfair可以修饰动词,表示某个动作或行为不公平。

:The referee was accused of making an unfair decision. (裁判被指责做出了不公平的决定。)

3. 作为名词,unfair指代一种状态或情况,表示存在着不公平现象。

:There is a lot of unfairness in the world that needs to be addressed. (世界上存在着很多需要解决的不公平现象。)


1. It's unfair that some students have access to better educational resources while others don't. (有些学生可以接触到更好的教育资源,而其他人却没有这样的机会。)

2. The company's promotion system is unfair and favors certain employees over others. (公司的晋升制度不公平,偏袒某些员工而不是其他人。)

3. It's unfair to expect someone to work overtime without proper compensation. (期望某人加班却没有给予适当的补偿是不公平的。)

4. The new policy is seen as unfair by the majority of the employees. (大多数员工认为新是不公平的。)

5. The judge declared the trial unfair and ordered a retrial. (宣布审判不公平,并下令重新审判。)


1. unjust:意为不公正的,常用来指对他人或事物所做出的不公正行为。

:The government's decision was considered unjust by the citizens. (的决定被市民认为是不公正的。)

2. biased:意为有偏见的,常用来形容某个人或在处理事情时存在偏袒或歧视。

:The media has been accused of being biased towards a particular political party. (媒体被指责偏袒某个特定政党。)

3. discriminatory:意为歧视性的,常用来指对某个群体存在歧视或不平等待遇。

:Discriminatory hiring practices are still prevalent in some industries. (歧视性招聘行为在一些行业仍然很普遍。)

4. partial:意为偏袒的,常用来形容某个人或在判断或决定时存在偏袒。

:The judge was accused of being partial towards the defendant. (被指责偏袒被告。)

5. inequitable:意为不公平的,常用来指存在着不公平的情况或条件。

:The distribution of wealth in this country is highly inequitable. (这个的财富分配极不公平。)
