网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-09 10:18:49




作为名词,walle通常用于指代建筑物或围墙的结构,“The walle of the castle is made of stone.”(这座城堡的围墙是由石头建造的。)此外,它也可以用来表示某个地方被围起来了,“The walle of the garden is covered with ivy.”(花园的围墙上长满了常春藤。)

作为动词,walle主要用于描述物体被推倒或倒塌的过程,“The strong wind walled the tree.”(强风把树吹倒了。)此外,它也可以表示某人被迫离开某个地方,“He was walled out of the house by his angry wife.”(他被愤怒的妻子赶出了家门。)


1. The walle of the ancient city was built with huge stones.(古城的围墙是用巨石建造的。)

2. The walle of the prison was too high for anyone to climb over.(监狱的围墙太高了,没人能爬过去。)

3. The earthquake caused the walle of the building to collapse.(地震导致建筑物的围墙倒塌。)

4. The protesters were trying to walle their way into the government building.(者试图闯进大楼。)

5. She felt like she was being walled in by her strict parents' rules.(她觉得自己被严厉的父母规定给限制住了。)

1. The strong wind walled the tree.

2. He was walled out of the house by his angry wife.

3. The protesters were trying to walle their way into the government building.

4. She felt like she was being walled in by her strict parents' rules.

5. The ancient city's walls were made with huge stones.


1. Barrier:作为名词,指阻碍或障碍物,可以表示物理上的障碍或者抽象意义上的障碍。

例句:“The barrier between us seems impossible to overcome.”(我们之间的障碍似乎无法克服。)


例句:“The wall of the house was painted white.”(房子的墙壁被涂成了白色。)

3. Enclosure:作为名词,指围起来的区域或物体。

例句:“The sheep were kept in an enclosure to protect them from predators.”(羊群被圈在围栏里,以保护它们免受捕食者的伤害。)

4. Demolish:作为动词,指彻底摧毁或拆除。

例句:“The old building was demolished to make way for a new shopping mall.”(那座旧建筑被拆除,为新的购物中心让路。)

5. Overthrow:作为动词,指或颠覆某个权威。

例句:“The rebels managed to overthrow the corrupt government.”(者成功了的。)
