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under age10 years old怎么翻译?

2024-08-08 17:03:57



例句1:She is still under age10 years old, so she can't watch this movie. (她还未满10岁,所以不能看这部电影。)

例句2:Children under age10 years old are not allowed to enter the theme park alone. (未满10岁的孩子不能单独进入主题公园。)

例句3:The minimum age for this job is under 10 years old. (这份工作的最低年龄要求是不超过10岁。)

例句4:Under age10 years old, children's cognitive abilities are still developing. (在未满10岁的时候,孩子的认知能力仍在发育中。)

例句5:According to the law, anyone under age 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult while riding a bicycle. (根据法律规定,任何未满10岁的人骑自行车时必须有成年人陪同。)


1. Below 10 years old: 表示某人的年龄在十岁以下。

2. Underage: 指未达到法定年龄,通常指未成年。

3. Minor: 法律上指未成年人,通常指18岁以下。

4. Juvenile: 法律上指未成年人,通常指18岁以下。

5. Child: 法律上指18岁以下的青少年,但也可以用来指未满10岁的孩子。
