网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-07 09:30:30

trivial [trvil]

英 [trvil]

美 [trvil]

意思:adj. 琐碎的,无关紧要的;平凡的,不重要的



1. The teacher asked the students not to waste time on trivial matters, but focus on the main points of the lesson.老师要求学生们不要把时间浪费在琐事上,而是专注于课堂的重点。

2. Don't worry about such a trivial issue, it's not worth your attention.不要为这样一个无关紧要的问题烦恼,它不值得你花费精力。

3. He was tired of his trivial life and wanted to do something more meaningful.他对自己平淡无奇的生活感到厌倦,想做一些更有意义的事情。

4. The company's CEO is not interested in trivial details, he only cares about the overall performance of the company.公司的CEO对琐碎的细节不感兴趣,他只关心公司整体的表现。

5. She found it hard to believe that such a trivial mistake could lead to such serious consequences.她很难相信这样一个小小的错误会导致如此严重的后果。



1. insignificant [nsnfknt]:adj. 无关紧要的,微不足道的

例句:Don't waste your time on insignificant matters, focus on what's really important.不要把时间浪费在无关紧要的事情上,专注于真正重要的事情。

2. unimportant [nmptnt]:adj. 不重要的,微不足道的

例句:The boss only cares about the big issues, he doesn't have time for unimportant details.老板只关心大问题,他没有时间处理无关紧要的细节。

3. minor [manr]:adj. 次要的,不重要的

例句:Don't worry about minor setbacks, they won't affect the overall success of the project.不要为小小的挫折担心,它们不会影响项目整体的成功。

4. petty [peti]:adj. 琐碎的,小气的

例句:She was annoyed by his petty complaints and decided to ignore him.她被他那些琐碎的抱怨搞得很烦,决定不再理着他。

