网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-07 08:53:55



1. 名词:指没有任何气体分子的空间,通常在物理学和工程学中使用。

例句:The vacuum inside the tube is essential for the experiment.(管内的真空对实验至关重要。)

2. 动词:指清除或吸走某物,通常用于清洁和维护方面。

例句:Please vacuum the carpet before the guests arrive.(客人到达之前请清洁地毯。)

3. 形容词:指与真空有关的或需要真空环境的。

例句:The spacecraft was designed to operate in a vacuum environment.(该航天器被设计用于真空环境下运行。)


1. The scientist used a vacuum pump to create a vacuum in the chamber.(科学家使用真空泵在室内制造了一个真空。)

2. Can you please vacuum the living room while I clean the kitchen?(我打扫厨房时你能帮忙吸尘客厅吗?)

3. The company specializes in manufacturing vacuum cleaners for both residential and commercial use.(该公司专门生产家用和商用吸尘器。)

4. The astronaut had to wear a special suit to survive in the vacuum of space.(宇航员必须穿上特殊服装才能在太空的真空环境中生存。)

5. The vacuum created by the tornado was powerful enough to lift cars off the ground.(龙卷风造成的真空力量足以将汽车吸离地面。)


1. Void:指没有物质或内容的空间或状态。

例句:The contract was declared void due to a technicality.(由于技术问题,合同被宣布无效。)

2. Suction:指通过吸力移动物体或液体。

例句:The dentist used a suction tube to remove excess saliva from the patient's mouth.(牙医使用吸管从病人嘴里吸出多余的唾液。)

3. Space:指广阔的、可用于特定目的的区域。

例句:We need more storage space in the garage for our tools and equipment.(我们需要更多车库储藏工具和设备的空间。)

