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2024-08-06 16:10:20



作为名词,urbanrenewal可以单独使用,也可以作为动词短语“renew urban”中的名词部分使用。常见的用法有“urban renewal project”(城市更新项目)、“urban renewal plan”(城市更新计划)、“urban renewal area”(城市更新区域)等。


1. The government has launched an urban renewal project to revitalize the old town. (已经启动了一项城市更新项目,以振兴老城区。)

2. The urban renewal plan aims to improve the living conditions of the residents in this area. (这项城市更新计划旨在改善该地区居民的生活条件。)

3. Many old buildings were demolished during the urban renewal process and replaced with modern ones. (在城市更新过程中,许多老旧建筑被拆除并被现代化建筑所取代。)

4. The government has allocated a large budget for urban renewal in order to transform the city into a more livable place. (已经拨出大量预算用于城市更新,以将这座城市变成一个更宜居的地方。)

5. The success of the urban renewal project has greatly improved the city's image and attracted more tourists. (城市更新项目的成功大大改善了城市形象,吸引了更多的游客。)


1. regeneration:指对城市地区进行全面的改造和重建,以提升其整体品质和活力。

例句:The government has invested a lot in the regeneration of this city, hoping to attract more businesses and tourists. (已经投入大量资金进行这座城市的再生,希望能吸引更多的企业和游客。)

2. revitalization:指通过一系列措施来恢复或改善某地区的经济、文化等方面。

例句:The revitalization plan for this neighborhood includes building new parks and renovating old buildings. (这个街区的振兴计划包括建设新公园和翻新老建筑。)

3. gentrification:指原本是低收入人群居住的地区因为改造而吸引了高收入人群,导致房价上涨和社会结构变化。

例句:The urban renewal project has sparked gentrification in this area, causing some residents to be forced to move out due to rising rent prices. (城市更新项目在这个地区引发了高档化,导致一些居民因为房租上涨而被迫搬离。)
