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under cover of darkness是什么意思?

2024-08-06 16:04:14

under cover of darkness是一个英文短语,意思是在黑暗中,通常指在夜晚或者暗处进行某项活动。该短语的字面意思是“在掩护下的黑暗中”,常用于形容一种隐秘、秘密的行动。


under cover of darkness通常用作副词短语,可以放在句子的开头、结尾或者动词之后。它可以修饰动词,表示某种行为是在黑暗中进行的;也可以修饰名词,表示某个地点或者时间是在黑暗中。此外,还可以和介词in连用,表示某人或者某物处于黑暗之中。


1. The thieves escaped under cover of darkness, making it difficult for the police to track them down. (盗贼们趁着黑夜逃走了,使得很难追踪到他们。)

2. The soldiers launched a surprise attack under cover of darkness, catching the enemy off guard. (士们趁着黑夜发起了突袭,让敌人措手不及。)

3. The protesters gathered under cover of darkness to avoid being seen by the authorities. (者们聚集在夜幕下,避免被。)

4. The couple met under cover of darkness, afraid of being seen by their families. (这对夫妇在黑暗中见面,害怕被家人。)

5. The city was plunged into chaos under cover of darkness as the power outage caused panic among the residents. (由于断电引发居民恐慌,城市在黑暗中陷入了混乱。)


1. in the dark:与under cover of darkness的意思相近,表示在黑暗中或者不知情的状态下。

例句:The ages were kept in the dark about their release until the last minute. (直到最后一刻,人质们才被告知他们将被释放。)

2. under the veil of night:也是指在夜晚进行某项活动,常用于文学作品中。

例句:The lovers met under the veil of night, their secret rendezvous hidden from prying eyes. (情侣们在夜幕下相遇,他们的秘密约会被隐瞒了。)

3. in secrecy:意为“秘密地”,指某事物或活动是以隐秘的方式进行的。

例句:The documents were transported in secrecy to avoid any leaks to the press. (为避免泄露给媒体,文件是以隐秘的方式运输的。)

4. covertly:与under cover of darkness的意思相似,表示以隐秘、秘密的方式进行。

例句:The spy operated covertly under the cover of darkness, gathering information for his country. (在黑暗中秘密行动,为他的收集。)

5. surreptitiously:意为“偷偷地”,指某事物是以隐蔽、秘密的方式进行的。

例句:The thief entered the house surreptitiously under cover of darkness, hoping to steal valuable items without being caught. (盗贼趁着黑夜偷偷进入房子,希望能够在不被的情况下偷走贵重物品。)

在夜幕的掩护下,这一常用的英文词语“under cover of darkness”隐含着在黑暗中秘密进行某项活动的意思。它可以修饰动作,也可以修饰物体,并且能与介词“in”结合使用。与其意义相近的表达还有“in the dark”、“under the veil of night”等。作为网络辞典编辑翻译人员,我们必须对这些短语有准确的理解和运用,并且能够灵活地将其应用于其他类似情境中。身为网络辞典编辑的jack,必须对这些短语了如指掌,方能胜任此职。
