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upgrade essential怎么翻译?

2024-08-06 16:04:08

一:upgrade essential的意思

upgrade essential是一个词组,由两个单词组成。其中,upgrade是动词,意为“升级、提升”,essential是形容词,意为“必要的、重要的”。因此,upgrade essential可以理解为“必须升级的重要事项”。


upgrade essential通常用于描述某个、软件或者设备需要进行升级以保持其正常运行或者提高性能。它也可以用来强调某个事物的重要性和紧迫性。


1. It is important to regularly upgrade essential software on your computer to prevent security breaches. (定期升级电脑上的关键软件是很重要的,可以防止安全漏洞。)

2. The company decided to invest in upgrading essential equipment in order to improve production efficiency. (公司决定投资升级关键设备以提高生产效率。)

3. The government has announced a plan to upgrade essential infrastructure in rural areas. (宣布了一个计划,将会对农村地区的关键基础设施进行升级。)

4. Upgrading essential skills is crucial for employees to stay competitive in the job market. (提升关键技能对于员工在就业市场保持竞争力至关重要。)

5. The airline has recently upgraded its essential safety features, ensuring a safer flying experience for passengers. (航空公司最近升级了关键的安全功能,为乘客提供更安全的飞行体验。)


1. Essential upgrade: 与upgrade essential意思相同,指必须进行的重要升级。

2. Critical upgrade: 指对、设备或者软件必须进行的关键性升级。

3. Vital update: 指对某个事物必要的重要更新。

4. Necessary improvement: 指必须进行的改进以提高性能或者效率。

5. Key enhancement: 指对某个事物重要的改善或者增强。
