网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-05 14:31:56




1. 作为名词:

(1)表示颜色的浅深程度:The room was painted in a light tint of blue.(房间被涂成了浅蓝色)

(2)指某种颜料或者染料:Mix a small amount of red tint into the white paint.(将少量红色染料混入白漆中)

(3)指对某物进行着色处理:The artist added a tint of green to the landscape painting.(艺术家在风景画中加入了一抹绿色)

2. 作为动词:

(1)给某物着上特定的颜色:She tinted her hair with blonde highlights.(她给头发上了一些金黄色的高光)

(2)使变得有某种颜色:The sunset tinted the sky with shades of pink and orange.(夕阳使天空呈现出粉红和橙子般的颜色)


1. The walls of the room were painted in a soft tint of yellow, giving the space a warm and cozy feel.(房间的墙壁被涂成了柔和的黄色,给空间带来了温馨舒适的感觉。)

2. The artist used different tints of blue to create a sense of depth in the painting.(艺术家使用不同的蓝色色调来营造画面的深度。)

3. She added a tint of purple to her dress, making it stand out among the sea of black outfits at the party.(她在裙子上加上一抹紫色,使它在派对上黑色服饰的海洋中脱颖而出。)

4. The hair dye is available in various tints, from light blonde to deep red.(这种染发剂有多种颜色可选,从浅金黄到深红色都有。)

5. The evening sky was tinted with shades of pink and purple as the sun slowly set behind the mountains.(太阳慢慢落山,晚霞使天空呈现出粉红和紫色的阴影。)


1. Hue:作为名词时,表示“颜色、色调”,常用来描述明亮或者强烈的颜色。

例句:The artist used different hues of green to create a sense of serenity in the painting.

2. Shade:作为名词时,表示“色度、阴凉处、阴影”,常用来描述颜色的浓淡程度。

例句:The walls of the room were painted in a soft shade of pink, giving the space a feminine touch.

3. Dye:作为名词时,表示“染料、染色剂”,常用来描述对物品进行染色的过程。

例句:The fabric was soaked in a red dye to give it a vibrant color.

4. Tinge:作为名词时,表示“一点点的颜色、轻微的感觉”,常用来描述颜色或者情绪的微妙变化。

例句:There was a tinge of sadness in her voice as she talked about her late husband.

5. Stain:作为名词时,表示“污渍、瑕疵”,常用来描述对物品造成的不良影响。

例句:The red wine left a stain on the white tablecloth.
