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to be patient怎么翻译?

2024-08-05 09:57:02


用法:to be patient是一个英语短语,表示某人具有耐心的品质。它可以用来形容一个人的性格特点,也可以作为一种提醒或建议。

例句1:You need to be patient when learning a new language, it takes time.(学习一门新语言需要耐心,这需要时间。)

例句2:Please be patient with me, I am trying my best.(请对我有耐心,我正在尽力。)

例句3:It takes patience to deal with difficult customers.(处理难缠的顾客需要耐心。)

例句4:I know it's hard, but we need to be patient and wait for the results.(我知道这很难,但我们需要耐心等待结果。)

例句5:Being patient is the key to success.(拥有耐心是成功的关键。)


1. endure patiently: 忍耐

2. bear with: 忍受

3. have perseverance: 有毅力

4. remain calm: 保持冷静

5. tolerate: 容忍
