网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-05 09:38:28



1. 作为动词使用时,usedto通常与be动词连用,构成used to be结构。:I used to be a teacher.(我曾经是一名老师。)

2. 作为介词使用时,usedto通常放在句子末尾,后面跟着一个名词或者代词。:I'm used to the cold weather here.(我已经习惯了这里的寒冷天气。)


1. I used to live in New York, but now I live in London.(我曾经住在纽约,但现在住在伦敦。)

2. She used to work as a lawyer, but now she's a stay-at-home mom.(她曾经做律师,但现在是一名全职妈妈。)

3. He's not used to the spicy food here, so he always orders mild dishes.(他不习惯这里的辣食,所以总是点温和的菜肴。)

4. We used to go camping every summer when we were kids.(我们小的时候每个夏天都去露营。)

5. They used to be best friends, but they had a falling out last year.(他们曾经是最好的朋友,但去年闹翻了。)


1. Would:表示过去的习惯或者经历,常与频率副词连用,:I would go swimming every Saturday when I was young.(我年轻的时候每个星期六都会去游泳。)

2. Used to do:与usedto具有相同的意思,只是结构略有不同,:I used to play the piano, but I don't anymore.(我曾经弹钢琴,但现在不再弹了。)

3. Be in the habit of:表示某种习惯或者行为,常与动词的ing形式连用,:She is in the habit of drinking coffee every morning.(她每天早上喝咖啡是习惯性的。)

4. Be accustomed to:表示已经适应某种情况或者环境,常与名词连用,:I am accustomed to the fast-paced lifestyle in the city now.(我现在已经习惯城市里快节奏的生活方式。)

5. Be used to doing:表示已经习惯做某事,常与动词的ing形式连用,:He is used to waking up early because of his job.(因为工作,他习惯早起。)

