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to plan是什么意思?to plan怎么读?

2024-08-05 09:38:22

to plan是一个动词,意思是制定计划或安排。它的读音为/tu pln/。


to plan通常用作及物动词,后接宾语来表示计划的内容。也可以用作不及物动词,后接介词for来表示计划的目的。


1. I need to plan my schedule for the week.(我需要为这周制定我的日程安排。)

2. We are planning a surprise party for our friend's birthday.(我们正在为朋友的生日策划一场惊喜派对。)

3. The company is planning to expand its business overseas.(公司计划扩大海外业务。)

4. She always plans everything in advance.(她总是提前计划好一切。)

5. They have been planning this trip for months.(他们已经为这次旅行策划了几个月了。)


1. arrange:意思相似,都表示安排或策划。但arrange更侧重于安排具体细节。

例句:The wedding planner is arranging all the details of the ceremony.


2. organize:意思相近,都表示组织或安排事务。但organize更强调有条理地进行安排。

例句:He needs to organize his thoughts before making a decision.


3. prepare:意思相近,都表示准备或安排。但prepare更侧重于为未来的事情做准备。

例句:They are preparing for the upcoming exam.(他们正在为即将到来的考试做准备。)

4. devise:意思相似,都表示制定计划或策略。但devise更强调通过思考和计划来得出解决方案。

例句:The team devised a new marketing strategy to attract more customers.


5. scheme:意思相近,都表示制定计划或策略。但scheme更侧重于有计谋地策划。

例句:He came up with a scheme to get out of the difficult situation.

